The New Normal:
Time to Question the Current Reality
Metaphysical Message / Spring of 2020
By: Susan Hansen
Professional Intuitive
This message is going to be somewhat different than in the past in the sense that I have remained neutral in my messages to you. Lately, I have been given downloads (psychic revelations) from various sources and have even been drawn to certain individuals who I have never heard about before now. Keep in mind that these are my personal views which I have researched after hours of visiting with source energy.
So, what the heck is going on with our global crisis? Is it a virus? Is it a “plandemic”? Is it a conspiracy theory about certain factions trying to control the world economics? Is it about AI? Is it a real, life changing virus that we all have to be afraid of?
All great questions. The most important question is which one resonates with you the most? Not your family or your boss or the network news. When you sit down and really look at what is happening to us globally, what do you come up with?
I for one have come up with some remarkably interesting “hits” that I will be sharing with you in this message. Some of you may agree, some may be confused, and some may stop reading. All these responses are OK and fit where you are in life right now. The most important thing to garner from this message is that you must question and ask questions and not sit by in your house allowing others to dictate how you should think and act.
So, what is this new normal that I keep hearing about? What is normal about not being able to go to the park? Or see grandma? Or having to wear a mask to buy produce? Or staying away from groups? Or not being able to work and take care of your basic needs?
What is the propaganda that you are listening to? Hitler was one man who was brilliant at propaganda and caused an entire nation to turn against the Jews out of fear and the need to control. And sadly, it worked. Not for all but for too many.
There is a much bigger picture that is happening behind the scenes and in many ways in “plain sight”. I may lose some of you along the way and that is OK if I am telling my truth.
Signs that I question:
Bill Gates: Let me first start out by saying that Bill Gates is brilliant and many, including myself benefit from his computers and tech savvy. However, I question why Bill Gates left his position at Microsoft and became one of the leaders of WHO (World Health Organization). Why is he so determined to find a vaccine (cure) for the Coronavirus? Is he a doctor I have no knowledge about? Is he a new messiah I have not heard about?
I question why Gates a few months back had a get together called “Event 201” that considered what would happen if a pandemic were set loose on earth. Actual simulation of different scenarios. Why?
I question why when Trump said he would no longer contribute into the WHO, that Gates said, “no problem, I will just keep writing checks”. Wow.
What skin in the game does Bill Gates have? Again, just asking the questions. I do believe that vaccines will become a major player in our civil rights. Stay alert.
Elon musk: Brilliant man who has spent millions sending Satellites into space with 5G. Research 5G and ask yourself if you really need this in your life? Many symptoms of 5G mimic the flu. How much radiation are you willing to take into your body and into your food source. How many towers have gone up when we have all been hiding in our homes? Why? What is the reason behind Musk’s interest in 5G? I am encouraged that Musk said, “Silicon Valley has become ‘sanctimonious valley’ and too much the moral arbiter of the world”. Absolutely true. Stay alert.
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson: This one was interesting for me not only because I have always liked Tom Hanks movies but until I was given insight, I must confess I did not see this happening in plain sight.
Many of you may be aware that Hanks and his wife had the virus (or so we are told) and were quarantined for a while. What I find fascinating is while in hibernation that Hanks posted on his Instagram page a photo of his typewriter. He is on location for a movie and just happens to take along his “corona” typewriter and took a picture and posted it. Why? Are we to believe he carries a 25lb typewriter to his movie sets? Also, interesting to note is that he said something about his wife Rita playing a game and reached “201”. Is this a random number, a coincidence or was Hanks telling us to look at something in “plain site”? Perhaps a reference to the 201 Event with Bill Gates months back. I bring this to your attention because these are things that I myself have questioned.
Make no mistake, Hollywood is knee deep in corruption and darkness. Sorry to bum those out who love their movie stars and the movie/music industry. I have long ago let this part of my life go but until now did not understand why.
Silicon Valley: What I want to bring to your attention is that our mainstream media is owned by 6 major companies working out of Silicon Valley. What is their agenda? This small group of business’ have come to be called, “technocrats” and they are very powerful as they own the media, such as what you see and hear on TV, YouTube, Google, Facebook, just to name a few. When you can rule people with fear, you control the world. Who is putting out fear and why? Again, ask the questions, even if you come away with nothing.
Just this morning I heard that Zuckerberg (owner of Facebook) came out with a tracking device to see who is “clustered” in groups or staying home. Stay alert.
Do you want to be tracked for any reason? Do you want to be able to say what you want without your site being taken down? Do you want the right to go to work and make a living? Do you want the right to have a vaccine or not? Who is in control of your life and that of your families? Who are you listening to?
There is a lot more I can discuss but l wanted to start the conversation by asking the questions. Perhaps come up with some of your own and we can talk about it.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear. There is a virus on this planet (there are many) and there have been many who have been affected by this as well as the countless health care workers around the globe working to help those afflicted. There are so many people in the health care system who honestly believe in what they are treating, and they care so much for humanity. May God truly bless each one!!!
Good News:
Let me also make something truly clear, that those who wish to do harm to humanity will not complete their agenda. Each one of us have a heart center that produces light and healing. When you meditate and pray you not only do this for yourself and your loved ones but the entire population, including and maybe most important, the darkness. So many of you are becoming more aware of the “awakening” on this planet. We are heading fast into the 5th dimension which brings about more power to us and to this planet. This is incredibly good news! The higher we raise our consciousness and the more aware we become, there is nothing that we cannot bring into manifestation. Therefore, I am writing about this topic now because you need to hear it and make changes and decisions in your life today that will impact you, your family and your children’s children greatly in the coming months and years to come.
The dark energies on this planet DO NOT want you to wake up. For if they can cause panic and fear, they will control the masses. You see it happening every day around you. So, what will you choose to do today? How will you react to news, which is not the full story anyways? Are you a sheep or a shepherd?
Again, who are you listening to? Even the things that I am talking to you about I want you to question! I want you to research on your own and come up with your own conclusions. But at the very least, I want you to wake up and take a good look at what you see happening around the world, in your own state, in your communities and in your homes. What rights are you willing to give away? In my most humble opinion, the medical industry does not have the right for complete power over our choices and our economic stability. Enough said.
May God bless each one of you. As always, I am here for you. We are on this planet at this specific time to make changes; this is what your soul wanted for you at this moment on Mother Gaia. When the light shines brightly it exposes the darkness. May we shine more brightly than ever before!
Note: For those interested in some great discussions look at David Icke, London Real and Dr Buttar.