Clear out any negativity and things that cause you to fear. Keep your resources around you for support. Stay physical. Turn shadows into humor and laughter. Have discipline and mature patience. Let your heart be your compass in what you truly want in life. Darkness is only a canvass for …
The Dash In Between
It has been one year ago today, Feb 8th that my mother passed away as I held her hand. We tend to remember someone's birth and the day that they pass, but I think it is more important to remember the "dash" in between. For my mother, it is Nov 22, 1933--Feb 8, 2013 and her dash is a life fully …
I am your whisper I am your longing I am the scent that crosses your path I am the shadow that you see at a glance I am that feeling that lurks inside dark places I am unspeakable joy Hear me, feel me, and listen to my moans I am passion and anger love and sadness I am with you always and …
The Generosity of the Master
"I'm not sure that I've got the exact point you are trying to make," said the Ghost. "I'm not trying to make a point," said the Spirit. "I am telling you to repent and believe." "But my dear boy, I believe already. We may not be perfectly agreed, but you have completely misjudged me if you do not …
Empty Spaces
How many reading this blog are in a state of depression, funk, loneliness, or are generally feeling disconnected? I know thru my clients that I have seen recently and even myself to a certain degree, that what one is feeling are "empty spaces". The challenge is NOT to fill up the spaces but …
The Capacity to Love
Does your capacity to love lessen, if you are not loved back? This is a theme that has been analyzed for centuries. Books have been written; movies have been made; poetry has been penned on this very subject: If you are hurt by love, do you love less or do you maintain your own level of compassion? …
In Sickness and In Health
Look to this day for it is life. I am reminded of these words as I think about my mom who currently has cancer. How do I know that she will beat this monster? Because she has an attitude of grace under fire and holds on tight to faith. Why she got cancer is for her to figure out, for we all know …
My Pet
"My confidant. My nap partner. My co-conspirator. My weekend plan. My inspiration. My favorite audience. My higher calling. My dinner companion. My reason for getting up in the morning. My passion." - Purina Readers, Please go to your local animal shelter and adopt a pet. It makes …