Energy Cleanse
How to Cleanse your Personal Space
and Yourself
Metaphysical Message / Summer 2020
By: Susan Hansen
Professional Intuitive
How are things going in your life right now? Putting aside the state of the world, how are you personally doing? Do you generally carry a sense of peace within you? If not, let us talk about the need to cleanse a personal space and even our bodies to ensure we are activating true alignment.
The purpose of a home/office clearing or a body cleanse is to remove and shift negative or stale energies from oneself, objects, or any given space into positive energy.
You will notice that much is used in the form of water, fire, sound, and other natural elements to help cleanse and bless your surroundings. Always be mindful of what objects you bring into your space as they carry their own energy. If you happen to buy an antique, cleanse it when you bring it home to insure you have cleared away the previous owner’s energy. Likewise, be mindful of who you invite into your space as they also carry energies that may be positive or negative. One way of knowing if you have heavy or negative energy around you is if you feel tired, depressed, sad or in any other way off for a period. For example, you may have just had a business meeting and you are feeling out of sorts; a cleanse may be needed on certain objects in your space or from peoples’ energies that you have been around.
The following items are often used
Bowl of water:
Absorbs and neutralizes negative energy and is a conductor for spirit.
Exercise: Place a bowl of water in any room that needs clearing or feels stuffy. After 24 hours, throw water away and repeat as often as necessary. Also, having a water source in your home helps greatly.
Holy water:
Obtain if your belief system warrants; it is used to bless a space.
Exercise: You may collect water from a local church or simply put water in a Jar set your intention or prayer and place in the sun for 24 hours. Put the blest water into a water bottle and spray any areas that you would like protection, such as around doors. Offer an intention and give thanks.
Sage stick or clary sage oil:
Removes any negative energy or energy not belonging to you and your space. The term “smudging” is a name given using a sage wand (often made with natural sage or a combination of sage, sweet grass, and lavender). When the wand is lit, it clears out the space while an energy healer (or yourself) sends out prayers to God and the Universe. In my case, I also rely on my spirit guides for direction. If you do not believe in a spiritual doctrine, you can still light your sage and offer a mantra, affirmation, or intention
Exercise: Smudge a room with a sage stick or mix clary sage oil with water in a spray bottle and spray any area that feels negative. It is nice to have in a car or your office. You can even spray your kids, spouse, or boss.
Purification (to make clean or pure) typically placed outside of a home/office around doors or foundation of home/office. Table salt collects energy like a sponge and will collect negative or unwanted energy.
Exercise: Get a display dish and add table salt and place where you feel negative or uncertain energy, leave for 24 hours then throw salt away. Also, put salt in a fireproof dish and add rubbing alcohol to saturate the salt, light on fire and place in center of room. If you have white salt at end of cleanse (within 1 hour or so) you have nothing to get rid of in your space. Black or brown or hard salt means negative energy was collected and absorbed. Fire will die out naturally when alcohol is gone from salt. Simply throw out salt and clean the dish. Never leave fire unattended and be watchful until exercise is complete.
White candle:
Light of the Holy Spirit or Universe for protection.
Exercise: In a quiet space, light your candle and set your intention or prayer and offer thanks. Blow out candle after exercise is complete. You can use other colored candles but keep in mind that colors have their own vibration, so choose the color which calls to you. For instance, red signifies passion; blue signifies truth and so forth.
Other items that may be used but not limited to:
White Sage, Prayer Wood (palo santo tree) and Cedar Wood Incense:
Light and use within a room of your choosing.
Hang where you will hear them the most. Sound carries its own special vibrations and will cause the energy to shift around you.
Raw potatoes:
Using a knife, insert any negative energy you are feeling about a person or situation and then bury or throw away the potatoes, thus releasing negative energy from you.
Use color sharpies:
Write on paper what is bothering you and then burn the paper. Choose a color that best represents your mood at the time.
You Time
Fill your bathtub with warm to hot water and add essential oils (a scent that makes you say, “ahhhh”), add a cup of Epsom Salt, light a candle, and play some music. The water and salt naturally remove any toxins from the body, while the warm water allows your muscles to relax and the essential oils tell your brain to release. As you sit in the tub, set your intentions or prayers staring at the candle and offer gratitude. Allow the choice of music to transcend you to another place and let go. Vigorously dry yourself off to take away any dead cells (the skin is our largest organ) and apply a scented oil or lotion and then rest. If you only have a shower, watch as the water takes your negative energy down the drain and away from you. You may also play music and light a candle and offer your affirmation or prayer. Follow the same steps for the bath ceremony at the end of your shower. This is a beautiful way to honor yourself and at the same time release anything that does not belong to you.
Drinking water:
Do you realize that water holds its own memory? If you speak to water, it will remember and respond.
Exercise: Fill a cup with about 8 ounces of water and place both your palms on either side of cup and speak into the water with your intention. Drink the entire the cup of water. You have just activated your desire!
Raking of the Chakras:
Rake your body with your fingers to get rid of excess energy from emotions. Start at top of head and rake outward from your body all the way down to your feet. Listen well to your body and what it needs (the body will never lie to you). You may need to stay at a Chakra longer than another. Never force your Chakras but instead come from a place of acceptance of self. Visualize. Use affirmations because words have their own vibrational qualities which resonates with your energy field (aura) which resonates with your Chakras vibrations. Also, important to note that by clearing away any unwanted vibrations you change your endocrine system (hormones) to your organs, to your tissues, muscles, fibers, and cells. An exercise worth doing!
Nature walk:
Honor nature and you honor yourself. Go for a walk, sit by a tree, plant something in your yard, put in a water feature, plant a tree in someone’s honor, acknowledge what you know to be true, speak out loud to spirit when you are outside and really feel it’s presence. Close your eyes, and just feel. Nature always takes away negative energy it only asks to be recognized and given gratitude.
Feng Shui:
In my metaphysical practice, I use the art of Feng Shui which is the art of removing blocks of negative or stuck energy. Feng Shui has been successful in increasing one’s wealth in their business practice or office setting as well as peace within the home.
I am currently working with a Real Estate Agent where we will be going into homes that are not selling or need to sell fast and practice Feng Shui and furniture placement. The “feel” of a space is everything, even if one cannot place their finger on what is going on. So, trust how you feel when you come home or step into your office. Do you feel content, neutral and calm? If not, it is time for a shift in energy.
If after you have done some of the exercises above and still need help, do not hesitate to call me for a consultation. With the world turning upside down for the moment, we can use all the calm we can get. So, the good news is you are not going crazy or imagining your moods! Energy within a space can create havoc or peace, so take charge today and make the changes necessary for things to start manifesting the way you desire.
Prayer for Home/Office Blessing: By S. Hansen
Dear God, Angels, and the Universe (the creator),
May this house or office be a safe dwelling for those who live or work here; filled with abundance, laughter, joy, and comfort.
May those who visit this space feel a holy grace and peace.
May only light enter and take hold in this space.
May God guard, guide and govern those who reside within the space.
May Angels spread their wings of light to protect.
May those who enter receive healing and calm; removed from the world’s chaos and uncertainty.
May God hold you in this sacred space to be used only for good.
I give thanks and gratitude with my whole heart, mind, and body.
Amen (I believe)
For those who do not hold a belief system you may use mantras or affirmations as well. Here is an example:
“I am safe and protected in my space; my life is filled with abundance and compassion; I use this space for only good; I am healthy in mind and body; I am worthy of receiving what I ask for”. Be in a state of gratitude.