Karma is an energetic revolving door that goes around and around until you decide to change your attitude or views on something that has been done to you or that you have done to another. Its about checks and balances. That is why someone may attract the same person into their lives or go through the same situations over and over and until the lesson has been learned, you will continue to go around in a circle.
Have you ever attracted the same mate to you and say, “oh no, not again!”. That person is part of your soul group and is present in your life for you to learn from and they from you. It is never easy to let go of someone or a situation when it no longer serves you but is it vital for your karmic release. When you are ready to release, forgive and let go, it sets you free. The key here is that it is about YOUR freedom from the person or experience.
Also, the person who has wronged you will no longer be able to push your buttons and the game comes to an end. Have you ever seen a cat hunt a mouse or even another cat? They get enjoyment out of the chase and as soon as the chase has ended, so does the game. There will be people that come and go in your life, that will play games with you because they too are needing to learn their own lessons and form boundaries. You may also have played the part of the cat and been the one to torment, chase and cause pain to another.
Karma works both ends of the spectrum. We all at some point along our soul’s journey will be both the victim and the perpetrator. None of us are perfect, we all come into this 3D reality to learn the good and the bad.
How would your soul learn the value of love if they do not experience hate? How do you value connectedness without abandonment? How do you value ‘anything’ without the contrast life delivers?
The realization that you have caused hurt to someone else, will break the pattern that holds you bound. Likewise, forgiving someone who has wronged you will also break the pattern. In a sense, it is tearing up the soul contract that you have with someone or a situation.
One point about karma is that it is linked in with fear. Why do we fear? It stems from our shadow self, which is the ego. The ego will always want you to do what it takes to get ahead, to get as much as you can and sometimes at the cost of someone else. This of course, takes us back to the need to feel safe, protected and provided for and we think we must roll over someone in order to take care of ourselves. This is a misconception. When we do what is right and true, the rest takes care of itself. When we can recognize the wrong we have done or release what others have done to us, the fear dissipates, the ego shrinks back, and the heart expands.
There is a correlation between karma, anger and cancer. When we have been wronged by someone, we can allow anger to set in and this will literally “eat away” at our bodies. Have you ever said the words in anger, “they make me sick!”. If you stay in this vibration, then your cells will start to listen to what you are saying and match that very vibration. So, is something ‘eating you up inside’? Do you struggle with letting go or being truthful? Do you punish yourself from something you have done?
What You Can Do:
Do not allow the idea of karma to keep you stuck or make you fearful. The reason karma enters your life is for the lessons that you have created in order to expand the growth of your soul. Take control of your heart energy and where your mind is taking you! This means to stand in your center and view what is happening, even if you are having a personal experience. Taking control is being in command of your life but not controlling (ego)! You get to watch from the perspective of a movie being played out, which allows you to learn and at the same time not become too involved in the emotional upheaval.
If you have done a wrong or caused pain to another, then recognize the situation and ask for forgiveness from the person OR write a letter and then burn it. What is important at this point is to acknowledge the pain you have caused and start the releasing process. Do not get in the habit of self-punishing yourself from something you have done. If you are feeling bad that is a good sign that you are recognizing the pain caused to the other person. Please note, do not walk up to an old lover’s door who has a whole new life and ask for forgiveness as this may cause even more pain! It is important to follow your intuition and heart as well as your common sense.
If someone has harmed you, you must send out to the universe an act of forgiveness. This can be done through spoken word or by writing down your anger or sadness. Do not allow your bitterness or any negative feelings you may have to cause you to stay stuck or connected to the person or the situation. Why ever would you get out of the shower and put back on dirty clothes?
Remember, karma is about learning our lessons. One way you know a lesson is complete is when you can look back at the situation or person and there is no longer any pain or guilt attached to you.
If you have been wronged, practice the art of forgiveness and release the band that keeps you attached to the person or experience.
If you have wronged another or have done a misdeed, practice the art of self- love and forgive yourself.
Life is just a ride on a wheel, and we all get to decide when to let go and when to make amends.
If you need help in your life, I am here for you.