Metaphysical Message
By: Susan Hansen
Professional Intuitive
January, February, March 2019
Getting the Life You Want
Happy New Year! Here we are at the start of a brand-new year and I can tell you that for those who do not resist change, 2019 will bring much joy and fulfillment to your lives.
The beginning of anything new brings a fresh start and a new perspective on how we are doing in our lives. We can look back on things that no longer serve us and look to our inner core for what we really want out of our lives. For me personally, 2018 was challenging in many ways and in visiting with clients over the past year many have gone through break-ups, job changes as well as physical illness’ or health concerns. It is my hope that we welcome 2019 with open arms and a willing heart that will lead each of us to the life we want and deserve!
How do you get the life you want? First you must determine what your purpose on earth is at this time and the most simple and straightforward answer for those of us having a human experience is to align ourselves with being joyful. Our emotions are the forcefield within our souls. Let me repeat myself: Our emotions are the forcefield within our souls. The reason we struggle in getting what we want out of life is because we are sitting tight and comfy with our egos and we over think everything! I catch myself sometimes daily and must ask, am I in my heart or my head when I am making an important decision. Remember, the heart does not hold fear, only the ego and because we are emotional creatures it is imperative that we center ourselves with our heart energy (feeling good, joyful and peaceful). The old age question still applies: When you are thinking of what you would like to do in life, what causes you to feel joy? Is it travelling? Working with animals? Teaching? Cooking? Your joy is the pathway to your purpose in this life time.
Lets’ go through some steps that will help you to maintain proper perspective for getting what you want in life.
- The fact is, life will cause you to ask for more of what you need and want. Human Consciousness as well as every living thing on this planet ask’s all day long and this naturally occurs on a continuous basis without you even realizing it at times. When you are hungry, you ask for food. When you are tired, you ask for rest. When you are lonely, you seek out comfort from a friend, an animal or nature. You are experiencing contrast all day long and this causes you to ask. Simply being a part of life will cause you to want more of what you already have or want something different if there needs to be a change. Be aware of feeling uncomfortable for this is life’s way of getting you to ask. Ask, ask, ask.
- Source Energy (God, universe, angels, guides) already aligns to what you want and is answering all the time without us even paying much attention. Are you aware of breathing in and out all day long? Are you aware of the sun in the sky on a cloudy day or the ebb and flow of the ocean? Again, it’s about contrast and how important yin from yang really is to remind us that contrary elements are complementary to one another. So, when things seem off balanced it is meant to cause you to seek a different state of being and put you in a different vibrational flow. Please know that Source is always listening and supporting your wants and needs. Is it always on our time line? No but that does not mean that what you want, or desire is not being answered.
- Step 2 has already taken place and is happening all the time. This is where you are to show up feeling relaxed with an attitude of faith and be receptive. It is being in anticipation of what you know is coming your way IF you allow the process to happen. For instance, you want a vacation (ask) and you plan on your destination and you are packed (proactive) and ready to go (allowing). Now you are just waiting for the time to depart (process). So, a big part of anticipation is in the waiting and this is never easy when you are wanting something to happen. And even if travel plans get delayed and cause you to become anxious or angry, remember to change your vibration and show up to the situation relaxed and in joy. What’s the worse that can happen? You get delayed? Sometimes delays are blessings in disguise.
- Use step 3 (which is the state of your mind) to help manage your vibration (attitude). Master the creative process which includes an inner knowing that you deserve the blessings of this world and humans achieve this by having a vibrational match with source energy. Your attitude towards others and towards life counts for everything!
- Accept contrast as important and revel in the contrasting moment. This is the time where you need to stay on top, have the clarity and allow nothing to bother you. People get caught up on this step because it does not always feel good. For instance, we ask for a job, we apply, and we even go for an interview, but nothing happens. So, we start to doubt and get depressed and due to our negative (fearful) emotion, an opportunity may pass us by. You may never know the reason for a delay, so stay in faith, do your work and keep your vibration on a joyful level. If something is meant for you, it will come to you one way or another.Let us talk about illness for just a moment because this is also about contrast in our lives. Every illness or physical condition is an indication of some type of resistance. It means we have not been paying attention to what our heart and soul really needs. Be thankful for the hurt or pain because if you allow, it will take you to your true core. You can control the direction of your thoughts all day long, much like a tuning system that needs to get rid of the static before the sound or message becomes clear. I have said this before, but it bears repeating: Be aware of the statements you are making because your cells are listening!!
Who am I?
Ah, the oldest question known to mankind and that is because we spend many lifetimes allowing our soul to experience the journey of being fully human. One filled with pain, joy, heartache, bliss, loss and love. But it is an important question to ask when you are trying to figure out what kind of life you want to experience and a big part of knowing who we are is being on the right path. Or perhaps, being on the right path leads us back to ourselves. Let us explore some questions that will indicate if we are on the right path to getting the life we want.
Do you ask yourself everyday how you are feeling? In other words, do you check in with yourself? We check in at the doctor’s office; we check in with our car; we check in to see what is in our email account and so forth. What about you, have you checked in with yourself today?
How is your path unfolding? Is there a general sense of ease or is there resistance? Are you mostly in fear or peace?
What are you giving your attention to? You get to choose what you spend the most time thinking about, so make it count.
Are you asking with clear intentions? Again, are you asking with a sense of joy and anticipation of good things coming your way?
Are you trusting in the law of attraction and source to give you what you want and desire? Do you feel you deserve and are worthy to receive abundance?
What are you attracted to? What are you pulled towards? This is a great indicator that lets you know what it is that is meant to be yours in this lifetime. Be that a person, a location or a career.
Note: Just because you are interested in someone or something one day does not mean that you will forever be attached. What is most important is that you stay connected every day with yourself and how you feel.
Certain things will start to happen when your path is lit up and moving towards the life you want:
The ease of something will lighten up and resistance will drop away. You will notice that you stay open to inspiration and this gives way to a momentum that allows you to receive the manifestation that you desire.
You will notice that by staying focused and clear with your thoughts that you start to feel better and this in turn gives you what you want.
Final thoughts:
There is only one question you must answer for yourself in order to get the life you want while staying in receiving mode and that question is WHAT. What do you want?
One way that keeps you out of receiving mode is always asking, WHEN, WHERE AND WHY. Of course, there will be times when you need to ask these other questions but if you are constantly thinking about the when, where and why, you will be in a state of resistance which will take you further away from what it is you truly want. Do not allow the ego to control the situation; you are being asked to relax and have faith in the process.
When you are not paying attention to your life this closes off the pipe line to source energy and brings negativity into your life. By keeping ‘the pipes’ open with your feel good and yummy thoughts, positivity is heightened, and you see the results you desire. When your mood/attitude is joyful this puts you in direct line to receive the outcome you are hoping for and deserve.
Remember, if you ask for something but then do not move in the very direction you have asked for, this can cause you to feel uncomfortable because source energy is trying to get your attention. So, what do you want? Do you have the courage to ask and then get out of your own way?
I can personally say that what helps me is writing down the results that I am looking for out of a situation and this keeps what I want in focus. I also meditate to help quiet my mind which lowers my resistance and allows inspiration and answers to come to me. Also, doing a writing ceremony is a great way to ask and focus on what you want out of life. When I am out walking with my dog, I always talk out loud to myself as if someone is right there with me (because source energy is) and talk about my needs and desires. I do the same thing when I am driving around town. It really seems to help and ‘release’ the thoughts and needs that I have at the moment.
Here is my recommendation:
1. Create an affirmation for each goal. For instance, you want to increase your circle of friends. Your affirmation would be, “New and exciting people will enter my life in 2019”.
2. Take the time to visualize new people in your life as if they are already there. Are you having meal, at a concert or hiking in the mountains? Really ‘see’ them already in your life.
3. Do this every day and soon your subconscious mind will replay the tape over and over. Best times are first thing in morning and the last thing before falling to sleep.
4. Create a vision board that states exactly what it is you want and look at it every day. Whatever you choose to do, make this life count. If you need help, then reach out. If you are confused, spend time with source energy. If you are feeling negative, sad and fearful, change what it is you are thinking about.
This world is a beautiful place, so be beautiful in it.
“You are source energy being in a physical time space reality with a vibrational part of you that is so huge and calling you. You are liquid love” … A.Hicks
May love and light shine upon your path and enrich your life,