"Welcome Spiritual Seekers! Join me on some insightful and thought provoking Metaphysical revelations"

Will the real you please stand up? Find out why we are fragmented, which leads us to not always be authentic and the steps to take in order to live with integrity.
“Anyone Can get angry, that is easy. But to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive and in the right way, that is not for everyone, nor is that easy”……………….Aristotle
Are you blocked from getting what you want?
” You must make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of your wish fulfilled”……..Neville Goddard
The importance of what you think about before you fall off to sleep
Let’s get down to some basics about healthy relationships and do you have one?
How to know if we are allowing the heart or our ego to run our lives.
A brief overview on Chakras and how it affects our emotional and physical well being.
What does it mean to suffer and how can we identify and learn to release our pain.
What does a spiritual vampire look like and do we have any in our lives?
Signs to look for when a spirit is trying to get our attention.
I share some of my own encounters with spirits that I have had over the years.
How to recognize the signs that you may be experiencing the night of the dark soul.
How to move into higher dimensions and how you will know.
How cellular memory can affect your life and what are the signs.
Fun 3 Question Game
The importance of being kind to others as well as to yourself.