Chakras are non-anatomical spinning wheels of energy that run from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Each Chakra relates to a color and emotional or spiritual issue.
There are 7 main Chakras that I focus on in my line of work: Root/survival; emotions; solar plexus; heart; throat; third eye and seat of wisdom. There are two more; one below the root Chakra and one above the head called the over soul.
As we all know from our early science class from school, everything is energy, everything. When energy is moving fast it is light and when it slows way down it becomes mass (people, objects and such). So, with that said, everything is affected by everything and therefore it is important to maintain good energy around you and within you as well. On a side note: Energy holds in objects for a very long time and therefore you should be careful about what objects you bring into your space. This may include objects from another person or going into an antique store or garage sale and care should be taken to remove any negative “feeling” that the object gives off. A simple suggestion is spraying the object with Clary Sage Oil mixed in water or setting the object in the sun if applicable.
The study and belief of Chakras comes from the Eastern part of the world and has been known and practiced for well over 2,000 years.
Yes, and you should every day. It helps to take a class in meditation to get the visual you may need but after that it is very easy to see your own Chakras spinning and becoming clear or even seeing the color attached to that Chakra.
Only if you are very sure of what you are doing. You can picture their bodies and place white light around them and within each Chakra, but it is best if you take a class before to fully understand the clearing of Chakras. Please note: You can not harm another person by doing something incorrect; however, they may feel a little “off” in their bodies, especially if you have not protected yourself and you have allowed your energy to be absorbed by the recipient. Always protect yourself as well as the one receiving the healing.
Your own spirit will let you know when it is time. I always tell my clients that if my name or picture keeps coming to mind, then give me a call. I have clients who come once every couple of months depending on their needs, but most will come to see me once or twice a year.
Yes, everyone is born intuitive but not everyone will have the gift of being a psychic. I believe it is a God given gift and most intuitives will admit that there is a huge responsibility in helping their clients. For me personally, it is a true honor when I can help bring others peace and answers in time of great need. Note of caution: There are many frauds out there that will take your money and offer only fear or uncertainty in return. Only go to a Professional Intuitive with a good referral base; have been in business for at least 10 or more years; has a background in counseling or human services and has a great energy when speaking with them in person or on the phone. You should always end the session feeling uplifted and with a certain amount of direction for your life.
Psychic development or meditation class help tremendously, as does your own book research and any seminars you may attend. Of course, at the very least, daily meditation is one of the fastest ways to gain the information you are looking for along with your connection to source energy, whether through prayer, Angels, spirit guides, God and the universe. There are so many avenues that will connect you to source energy. Follow your heart, listen to your heart and you will be guided by your heart, which is also source energy.
Yes and no. There are those that are born with the gift of healing, whether on people, animals or plants and should use this gift to the best of their ability. However, most people have the capacity to heal by laying hands on another and allowing their “warm” energy to penetrate the area of pain, whether it be physical or emotional. Sometimes just hugging someone who is hurting will cause a healing effect to take place. Setting a true healing intention will also give you positive results. This is not a process that should be rushed or with apprehension; only with love and positivity.
I always ask spirit how much I should charge for a service and trust that I am lead in the right direction. Price will play a factor on how long someone has been in business or provides a specific service. Never go to a psychic who says one price and then charges another to help you, they are frauds and only want your money without really helping you and they should be reported to the local authorities. An honest and God given intuitive will never be seen at psychic fairs; be listed on the back pages of some random magazine or have a psychic hot line. True Professional Intuitives are in the service to help others and will charge a reasonable fee to make an honest living.