I am your whisper
I am your longing
I am the scent that crosses your path
I am the shadow that you see at a glance
I am that feeling that lurks inside dark places
I am unspeakable joy
Hear me, feel me, and listen to my moans
I am passion and anger
love and sadness
I am with you always and in all ways
I am your muse
S. Hansen
What inspires you? Makes you laugh? Cry? What gets you out of bed in the morning with a rush of joy to start the day? You need to find that small pulse within you that encourages you to do something you have never done before. Travel, write a book, take a dance class, hike up a mountain, learn an instrument, learn a new language, grow your own vegetables, rekindle an old love, adopt an animal, run a marathon………..whatever has held you back, take hold of it today and “just do it”. Your own creative muse is waiting for you, she has always been waiting for you, so call on her today and ask her to stand in the fire with you, no matter how scared you may be. You have an inner power within your soul that is waiting to be unleased for a higher good and only one word is required: Yes