Metaphysical Monthly Message
By: Susan Hansen/Professional Intuitive
May/June 2018
What is the ‘piece’ that is robbing you of your ‘peace’?
What pile is on your path? What is the one thing that you keep tripping over or avoiding as you walk through life? Is it a diagnosis from your doctor? A relationship problem? A job that is not satisfactory? What attachment or power are you are giving to this junk? What is the piece that is robbing you of your peace? What are you adding to your pile?
There will be a fresh pile or a piece of something not wanted that comes to us most day’s and you get to decide what it is that you want to re-create and then make the choice of whether it will be a piece of something negative or if you want your peace of mind.
The understanding is that you build up your one ‘piece’ at a time through your negativity and thought patterns. For instance, you have a fight with someone which causes you pain and thus you add a piece to your pile; you hate your job and bring negativity with you to work which causes strife and unrest and again you add a piece to your pile; or you allow the doctors diagnosis to dictate your feelings and to become depressed which once again add’s a piece to the ever-growing pile and so on.
We are all products in one form or another of laying one brick on top of another brick to block us from movement. Let’s face it, when confronted with a brick wall, it stops us, until you realize that you can climb over, go around or take away one brick at a time.
How does this change look? Using the examples above, we change the way we communicate with others and choose not to fight, and we take back our peace; we give thanks for our job and change our attitude and therefore we take back our peace; we take what the doctors have told us and use our power to seek treatment with a hopeful attitude and again, we take back our peace. We resolve our issue by removing one brick (negativity) at a time, which takes thoughtfulness and effort. The bigger realization is that “I” placed every brick with my own thoughts and actions and I have the control and power to knock down my wall of resistance!
What you can do
Make a clear path with your intentions and remove the junk that is in the way: Instead of asking why, change the focus to change your vibration, which allows you to reveal what it is you must learn and release. For example, change the way you see your partner (focus) and your perspective shifts so you can lay down your negativity (piece) and move toward a healing (peace).
Please know that revelation’s in our lives are always happening for you to recognize areas that need improvement. So, when a situation arises that brings about piece/junk/negativity, this is your soul’s gentle tapping on your shoulder to get your attention. The key is to listen to the gentle tap before it becomes a full-on whack on the head. For instance, you realize the building up of negative energy with your partner and you approach your conversation with love and understanding which allows a space for healing as oppose to a shouting match where someone walks out the door with anger and resentment.
Once you have the realization of whatever the ‘piece’ is that you need to look at and shine a light on is acknowledged, then the true work begins, and you gain your ‘peace’ back one step, one brick, one breath at a time.
So, take heart if you have a pile or two on your path, for this is your time to realign what is not working and move towards gaining the peace that you so richly deserve in your life. We all will have things that pile up, however by staying fully present in the situation with a hopeful and clear attitude, you will eliminate the clutter on your path so much faster.
Happy Mothers Day and Fathers Day! Please let me know if you need assistance with your spiritual concerns. I am here for you.
Much light and blessings,
Susan Hansen