What does it mean to have a calling? As the word implies it is something that calls to you, that you are pulled towards and that you think about and dream about incorporating into your life.
What you do in life as a “calling” becomes your vibrational signature and acts as an extension of who you are as a person and part of your soul contract in this lifetime. You may have a “job” that feeds your bank account, but it is equally important to feed your soul.
For you to know what you’re calling is in life, you must learn to identity your highest joy.
What inspires you? What did you dream of as a child? What makes your heart sing? If all your basic needs were met for free, what would you want to do in your life? What are you sensitive towards? What makes you cry?
By answering these questions, you will gain a better perspective about what it is you want to do in life.
Some ways to awaken what it is you are called to do include: Books that interest you; movies that you want to see over and over; helpful videos or seminars about topics you find interesting; going out into nature and meditation on a daily basis and by doing these things you will exercise your free will to reach beyond your imagination!
Part of the fear and hesitation as to why people don’t reach for their dreams may include: What if I try and fail; what will others think of me; what if I am judged or laughed at for wanting something perhaps a little different; how will I support myself; What if no one needs what I am offering?
Here is the thing: All those things may happen; SO, WHAT? You cannot allow others or your own fears to block what is calling out to you. Your heart calls but your ego blocks.
Your Story=Your Calling
You need to figure out in life, what is the story I want to tell? Only tell the story you wish to manifest and NEVER tell the story that you do not like. If you have lived something not wanted and you’ve bounced from it and you have learned not to ‘scrutinize’ the details and have healed enough, then you can tell your story from a healthy perspective and be of service to healing others.
Perhaps your story comes from an abusive past and now you want to help others deal with their own pain and you take steps to become a counselor or volunteer at a women’s shelter. This is your calling, and this is the story you are telling. Out of your pain and sorrow ‘becomes’ your joy in seeing others come out of the shadows.
Perhaps you have a heart (calling) for abused children or animals and you take steps to work at a Vet’s office or a day care center.
Perhaps you have a calling to surround yourself with all things beautiful and you allow your gifts to bring joy to someone’s appearance or home and so you take the steps to become a personal clothes shopper; a makeup artist or an interior designer.
Usually your calling will follow the path of least resistance and even though there is hard work involved, doors will open, and your special gifts are needed and rewarded, both financially and emotionally. There is truth in the ‘law of attraction’ and what you think, and feel are in direct line to what you will receive in life.
Take some time today, if you are not in the job or career you love, to answer some of the questions listed above. We take time to watch over favorite TV shows or work out; we can certainly find the time to answer our heart’s calling. One way you know you are on your tree of life, is when your feet hit the floor in the morning and you are excited to start your day! Yes, there will be challenges and some juggling, but it should cause you to ‘feel’ joy.
If you need help with direction concerning your life’s path, please get ahold of me and let’s figure this out together! I am here for you.