Dear God,
Ever since you gave me my children I have done my very best to look after them and to treat them as special gifts given to me. There have been so many times that I called on you to help when things where just not going well with my kids, when I thought to myself, ‘it’s too hard to raise these little people’. And then the good times would hit and I could not imagine my life without them. The time has come when everything I have prepared them for is here and they are leaving home and leaving me behind. Help me to let them go with an attitude of grace and gratitude and continue to guide them on their journey. Help me with this separation. You trusted me to raise them well and I trust you to take care of them when times are hard and they fall. Help them to their feet everyday and breathe light onto their path. Heavenly Father and Blessed Mother, I’m both scared and excited for them as they walk out my door, into a world of unknowns. Help me to release the hands that I cleaned and bandaged and held when they were scared. Take their hands into your own and guide them well. Amen
To all people, young and old, who are leaving a comfortable space to create your own, know that you are not alone. Take with you both the good and the bad, for there are lessons to be learned in both laughter and pain. Follow your heart in all things but use the common sense God gave you in your daily walk. Check in with your love ones and be true to yourself. God bless you on your new adventure, Suzanne