Do you know the place? The darkness that lurks beneath the surface? That if half exposed would not allow you to get out of bed, or feed your kids, or wash your face or dare to breath? Do you know this place? I use to. I called it the ‘void’. Nothingness. There was a moment when I happened to be wearing fashionable shoes made out of cement. Do you have a pair? Not going anywhere in particular and if I did I’d be too exhausted from lifting and stepping and getting nowhere at the end of the day.
Do you ever feel like your life is on hold? Your already for a wonderful trip, bags are packed, and your sitting on the plane and sitting, and sitting, and sitting. Engine troubles? Weather? Who knows, no one shares any information with you and there you are stuck on a plane and nowhere to go. And so you wait and wait, fully aware that frustration will grow and anger will set in and probably tears as well.
Options? Cry. Complain to those sitting around me. Storm the cockpit. Pray. I opt for the cockpit scene but realize prison doesn’t agree with my wardrobe or diet. So instead I pray. Feeling any better? No! So, I keep on praying and on and on and on. Finally minutes turn to hours and there is a movement as the plane begins its destination. Where the hell am I going? Do I even remember? Who cares? The trip no longer seems as important as to the fact that we are moving!! Any change and movement is encouraging to me and so I share this metaphor that use to be my life.
I write these words to reach out to someone out there whose life is ‘in the void’. I suppose some feel that all this was depression on my part, something chemical going on in my brain and yet I feel compelled to go a bit further into the abyss. I did not want to be ‘fixed’ by modern means and happily go about my day medicated just so I could have the ability to make toast in the morning. And so I began my quest for inner healing that would come from another source other than me, my family, my friends, my work, my animals, nature, books and such. Although these are all noble attributes to have in life, my true source came from outside of our galaxy, known to me as ‘the other side’.
It is important to note that my beliefs do not have to match your own. And in some ways I hope they do not.We have our own special path and journey to be on and staying true to your own beliefs says alot about you as a person.
I have always believed in God the Father, my Abba, who has seen my thru in life. I have always believed in Jesus, whose beautiful message of love has become the cornerstone for so many. And I have always believed in the power of Spirit that guides me behind the scenes. But my inclusion has become so much more. I now also include our beautiful Mother God and my own spirit guide name Bo and my angel name Enja into the mix of my holy family. I first met Bo in meditation and I will never foget his face when he realized I had finally recognized him! He has been invaluable in my day to day activities and it is with great pride that I share his wisdom with others.
Our Father and Mother God have given all of us an army of help if we would just ask for the gifts from beyond this small world of ours. It is because of my Heavenly help that I was able to get out of the void and to tap into the other side which any one of you can do. Please know that you are not alone and your struggle is not yours alone to carry. I find it amazing how many of my clients forget to simply ask and by reaching out with words, they can reach beyond the stars and galaxies into the hands of our creator. So the next time that the night seems insurmountable, and these nights will come again, remember that comfort is a breath away. Light always follows darkness, day always follows night and your own Heavenly family awaits the call from you-if you would just ask.
Blessings to all,