I have seen countless clients over the years and some stand out more than others. One in particular comes to mind and I'll refer to her as G and she has met with me a number of times over the past year. I learn alot from my clients and would like to share something that I feel will benefit the …

Children Leaving Home (Graduation Prayer)
Dear God, Ever since you gave me my children I have done my very best to look after them and to treat them as special gifts given to me. There have been so many times that I called on you to help when things where just not going well with my kids, when I thought to myself, 'it's too hard to raise …
The Void
Do you know the place? The darkness that lurks beneath the surface? That if half exposed would not allow you to get out of bed, or feed your kids, or wash your face or dare to breath? Do you know this place? I use to. I called it the 'void'. Nothingness. There was a moment when I happened to be …
Life’s Purpose
asking what life's purpose is similar to asking who God is or what love is. It is not always easy to answer but each person must come to their own definition. So, what is life's purpose? Personally, I have two answers. First, be of service to others. In order for your souls advancement, you must …